Cal/OSHA has issued an extreme heat advisory for Southern California for Sunday, June 19th through Wednesday, June 22nd. Temperatures will range from 102 to as high as 120 degrees in inland and desert regions. As we enter this period of potentially record high temperatures, employers and employees must keep heat illness prevention a high priority on the work site.
California’s Heat Illness Prevention law provides the procedures and standards that must be followed by employers to prevent heat illness among employees when working outdoors. Some of the requirements of this law include the need to train all employees and supervisors about heat illness prevention; provide lots of free, clean water to employees and provide frequent cool-down rest breaks in the shade; follow special procedures during “high heat” events (95 degrees and higher); and establish a written plan and procedures for complying with the law.
The law requires employers to play a proactive role in protecting the health of outdoor employees in high temperatures. This means actively monitoring and checking-in with employees, especially those new to working outdoors in the heat, throughout their shifts to ensure that heat illness doesn’t strike. Heat illness is a serious medical condition that could begin with symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, headache, nausea, muscle or abdominal cramps, etc.
Michael Freeland has been practicing law for 25 years and specializes in employment law. Contact Freeland Law APC for a consultation with Michael Freeland, experienced employment lawyer serving San Diego, California.
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