Ten years ago I started this solo law practice. I desired a direct relationship with my clients. This law firm allows me the luxury of that rapport and more control over how I handle litigation. In becoming an attorney, I was inspired by my father, a high school teacher, Labor negotiator and the son of an LA cop. My father worked hard to support our family and always treated his family, friends and rivals with dignity and respect. It has been my honor, burden and pleasure to follow in his footsteps. I am also inspired by my mother who patiently and wisely taught me how to read, write and speak with poise and confidence. Without her support, I would not have been able to achieve what I have today
It was my father and old college professor of mine that inspired me to specialize in employment law. Employment litigation is a important area of law because it deals directly with people and their relationships. We spend more of our waking time at work than anything else we do. If your job is bad, it profoundly affects your life. I believe there should be fundamental fairness in employment. Employers and employees should not be cheated in this relationship. Government employees, whether state or federal workers, are also entitled to respect and fair treatment for their public service. For those reasons, I specialize in handling issues such as discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wage claims, wrongful termination, MSPB, EEO and unemployment appeals representing employees and private employers.
My wife has been an instrumental part of my solo practice. Whether she helps me with the books, making copies or patiently listening to my latest legal theory, she has been a calm source of inspiration and support; the eye of my hurricane. Thank you dear.
Over the past years I have had the privilege of defending and pursuing sexual harassment claims, Labor code violations, retaliation for whistle-blowing and other types of claims for some wonderful and inspiring clients. These clients have the courage to stand against injustice and their bravery inspires me to do my best. I have enjoyed getting to know these wonderful people and I want to take the time to thank each and every one of them for having the confidence to choose me as their attorney.
Finally, I also want to thank my friends, colleagues and worthy opponents. You have encouraged me and dared me to become a greater attorney, whether in state or federal court, in public or private litigation. I am grateful to all for this last decade and am inspired to devote many more years to this honorable profession.